
  • Original

Ippei Uemura / Chef coat














(designer Yoda氏参照)



This time, samue created a cook’s uniform for Mr. Kamimura.


The material used is a mixture of Japanese paper, cotton, and rayon, but the key point is the Japanese paper.

Washi is not often used in clothing that we wear in our daily lives, and it is not often seen as a fabric in the first place.
In fact, cook’s uniforms worn by chefs in restaurants are often made of synthetic fabrics such as polyester.


It may be common knowledge that cook’s uniforms, which are required to be cost-effective and easy to handle, are made of polyester, which is a general-purpose material.
However, Mr. Uemura has a different approach to cook’s uniforms. As a Japanese chef entertaining guests in Marseille, France, he believes that not only the food he prepares, but also the cook’s uniforms worn by the chefs working there should be sophisticated.


The word “washi” may conjure up an image of dry paper with a taut feel, but when you hold the woven threads of washi in your hands, you will be struck by its thinness, softness, and delicacy. Also, the texture of this fabric, which is made from a mixture of cotton and rayon, has a warm feeling because it is a natural material.


In terms of functionality, Japanese paper has a curious characteristic: it itself has deodorant and antibacterial properties.
This is not a functionality that has been artificially added, but a mysterious power that the trees, the raw material of paper, have in their natural environment.
Proof of this mysterious power has been demonstrated in tests that the more times the paper is washed, the more effective it becomes.

The durability of the fabric itself is also impeccable, and washi fabric is truly a highly functional hybrid material produced in Japan.


The design was created by Mr. Yoda, who is active in Europe, as is Mr. Uemura.
(See “designer Yoda”).
The overall balance of this Japanese-style cook’s uniform was carefully balanced so that it would not be too Japanese, even though it is a Japanese-style cook’s uniform.


The color of the fabric was left uncolored to express the natural texture of Japanese paper.
The original logo is embroidered on the chest, creating a cook’s uniform suitable for Mr. Uemura, who continues to surprise and impress people around the world through Japanese cuisine under the fresh air and dazzling sun of Marseille in the south of France.


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